Some friends have organised an 'event' on facebook called Vegan December .... I'm "attempting" to make some changes to my diet, but I'm not going to "freak my body out", so we shall see how I go. Slow and easy. My goal is to go dairy-free and as meat-free as possible. I'll listen to my body. I actually believe that if I can do this my body will thank me. The less amount of process crap I put in the better off I will be. Fresh fruit and veg and nuts and grains is the way to go.
Not into the witch thing, but this cartoon is still quite humorous.  
YUM !!!!!!!!!  These Pics are making me hungry !!!! 
I love the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. I think Johnny Depp did an amazing job in Tim Burton's version and when Metal Hammer decided to dress Ville Valo up, they out- did themselves! Ville is a beautiful, diabolikal Mad Hatter. 
My DREAM is to go to Finland / Lapland and see the Northern Lights - this is the most beautiful thing ever .... followed by Ville Valo .... and they are BOTH in Finland .... Go Figure!!!!! 
Does anyone else feel the call of this beautiful country?  Some days I just ache to be there... like I'm in the wrong place and I just NEED to be there.
"The good thing about sadness is that it usually tends to end; life’s a roller coaster ride, you know? You gotta be sad to be able to really enjoy the moments of happiness. If you just be happy all the time, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the happiness you have since it wouldn’t have any value to yourself."
— Ville Valo
Ville's Tower in Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, Finland. 
Other Towers
“You never know what’s around the corner, you never know when you meet someone, who you fall for, how it changes your life, it’s miraculous and magical when it happens. 
I think that you can be so passionately in love with someone it hurts. I think that is the best situation ; where it’s overwhelming and indeed magical because you don’t, kinda, you don’t know why it is happening and you are like : “I don’t want this to happen” … you know… “why now” ? but it just happens. You know, love moves in mysterious ways."

- Ville Valo
Soulmates .... SO Beautiful <3 
"There is sexual beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty, but who cares. We are all still seeking our soul mate, somebody we could spend our life, somebody who is sexually attractive in a way, that you always feel like a little boy or girl and with whom you can communicate a lot on an intellectual level. I believe then is beauty taken out in the physical way from this person."
— Ville Valo