I love corsets and I love body mods, put them together and this is what you get  - Amazing! & Beautiful!
Remembering Nelson Mandela

Sorry but I'm really super sick today with my vertigo so I'm just posting this pic with a quote from the great man, Nelson Mandela. His memorial was on during the night and it was a joyous celebratory event in South Africa with over 70 VIPS from all over the world attending. He really did make a difference in this world. You were an inspiration. RIP Mr Mandela. 
Gas was all excited about seeing Carcass and mentioned it on his YouTube and on Facebook accounts, then this pic showed up on the Soundi Facebook page .... so Ville was there as well probably the whole band rocked out and headbanged to Carcass, Amon Amarth and various other bands at the Old Coal Factory, Helsinki.  \m/
"Women surprise me every day". --- Ville Valo
"Love is my world. I’m dependent on relationships, emotions, and the fact of having somebody I care for and would die for."

— Ville Valo

"There is sexual beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty, but who cares. We are all still seeking our soul mate, somebody we could spend our life, somebody who is sexual attractive in a way, that you always feel like a little boy or girl and with whom you can communicate a lot on an intellectual level. I believe then is beauty taken out in the physical way from this person."

— Ville Valo

"The most romantic thing is to look someone straight in the eyes and say and mean, “I love you” that’s a lot. It’s a really hard thing because you can never be certain of yourself, but at that particular moment, you feel like that, it’s magic."

— Ville Valo

INTERVIEWER: What’s in common with the women you’ve ever loved?

VILLE: I’ve loved only one woman in my life. There have been crushes and they’ve been very different, some have had a regular daytime job and some have been artistic type. One thing in common is long hair. Short hair isn’t sexy or feminine. But of course there are exceptions. I like sensitive and strong women. A woman should be extremely patient with me because half of the year I’m away from home. I’m so jealous of a person that an open relationship doesn’t work. And I’ve never had one-night stands.
Totally unrelated to HIM ... but Happy 1st birthday to my little 4-legged girl, Luci-furr. 
Dani and Luci (Father and daughter)

Remembering when Ville Met His President For Finnish Independence Day 2006

While celebrating Finnish Independence day in 2006 Ville met & spoke with President Tarja Halonen. Here is a slideshow of pictures of that event. 
Hillarious !!!!!  Oh Those SHOES!!!! 

Interviewer: "Are you going to dance today?" To which Ville replies: "I was actually thinking more about some kind of striptease, but maybe I'm saving it for later"

Typical Ville comment!!!  :D 

Today - 6th of December is the Independence Day of Finland. 

Finland's Independence Day (Finnish: itsenäisyyspäivä, Swedish: självständighetsdag) is a national public holiday held on 6 December to celebrate Finland's declaration of independance from the Russian Republic. The movement for Finland's independence started after the revolutions in Russia caused by disturbances inside Russia from hardships connected to the First World War.  This gave Finland an opportunity to withdraw from Russian rule. After several disagreements between the non-socialists and the social-democrats over who should have the power in Finland, on 4 December 1917, the Senate of Finland led by Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, finally made a Declaration of Independence which was adopted by the Finnish parliament two days later.

Independence Day was first celebrated in 1917. However, during the first years of independence, 6 December in some parts of Finland was only a minor holiday compared to 16 May, the Whites' day of celebration for prevailing in the Finnish Civil War.

During the early decades of independence, Independence Day was a very solemn occasion marked by patriotic speeches and special church services. From the 1970s onwards, however, Independence Day celebrations have taken livelier forms, with shops decorating their windows in the blue and white of the Finnish flag, and bakeries producing cakes with blue and white icing. Today, rock stars and entertainers have been accepted as worthy interpreters of Finnish patriotism.

It is traditional for Finnish families to light two candles in each window of their home in the evening. This custom dates to the 1920s; but even earlier, candles had been placed in Finnish windows on poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg's birthday as a silent protest against perceived Russian oppression. A popular legend has it that two candles were used as a sign to inform young Finnish men on their way to Sweden and Germany to become jagers that the house was ready to offer shelter and keep them hidden from the Russians.

credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(Finland)
"If somebody is wearing black clothes and black lipstick it doesn’t necessarily mean that she or he is on the dark side of life."
— Ville Valo 

I love the arty, dramatic, creative side of Goth. Yes, I have always been attracted to the music - Sisters, Mish, Siouxsie, Cult, Damned which inspired bands like Type O Neg, My Dying Bride, Cradle and the mighty HIM., but the fashion and arty side of it has always been so interesting and beautiful to me. I don't care for all that witchy esoteric stuff just give me corsets, black lace and frilly shirts and gorgeous angsty guys wearing eyeliner who call you 'darling' in a Brittish accent. I feel a deadset swoon coming on !!!!! *** SIGH *** 

Good lord he is so naughty..... don't you just LOVE him ?????? :D <3  hahahahahaha 
Sorry, But I HAD to do it .........  LMAO
You just can't argue with that logic.